User Preferences


Purpose:  Each user can set his/her own preferences on certain display settings and default search options.


Launch Point:  This window can be launched from:

      File →


Example:  When launched a window will open.

Note: The Export and Import buttons allow for exporting and importing a user’s settings in User Preferences. On export any un-committed changes to user preferences are saved first.


The Display and Navigation tab handles visual display settings.


The Toolbars group options are:


Images – images are displayed


Text – only text is displayed


Text and Images – both text and images are displayed


Note: the Display options only apply when the Navigation setting is toolbar.


The Default File Maintenance Tabs group options are:


Name – when file maintenance is opened the default tab is the Name tab


Summary – when file maintenance is opened the default tab is the Summary tab


The Navigation group options are:


Buttonbar – displays areas in the system in a button bar at the left of the screen


Toolbar – displays areas in the system in a toolbar at the top of the screen



Example with Navigation set to buttonbar.


Example with Navigation set to toolbar and Toolbars set to images.


Example with Navigation set to toolbar and Toolbars set to text.


Example with Navigation set to toolbar and Toolbars set to images and text.


The Tooltips and Descriptions group options are:


Display tooltips – controls the display of tooltip text in grids.


Display Report and Routines Descriptions – controls the display of descriptions in the dashboard.


When the Display tooltips box is checked, as you hover over a field in a grid a tooltip for that field is displayed.


When the Display Report and Routines Descriptions box is checked, the report or routines dashboard displays a brief description about each report or routine.


If the Display Report and Routines Descriptions box is unchecked, the report or routines dashboard only displays the name of the report or routine.


The Standard Search Options tab allows you to set the default search setting, for use in the standard search, in each module. Use the Use Standard Search checkbox to specify that you want to use the standard search as the default search window for that module.


The Incremental Search Options tab allows you to set the default search setting, for use in the incremental search, in each module. Use the Use Incremental Search checkbox to specify that you want to use the incremental search as the default search window for that module.


In the Event Search group Include Webinars allows you to set the default setting for the filter box.


The Specify the maximum records displayed field is used on the incremental search screen. This is the default number used when an incremental search screen is opened.


If you check the Display “No Records Found” message on incremental search box, then if no record is found after entering the first two characters, a message will be shown.


The Email Options tab allows you to set the default email to be used in reports where the report can be emailed.


Set the Personal Email Address to the email you want to use in the “from” of the email message.


If the report wizard has a step to select the delivery method, this address is shown when the email option is selected. In the report wizard step, the address can be changed for the reports being run if it should be different that time than your default.


Note: If in System Preferences under System the preference for SMTP Authentication type is set to basic you will see three additional fields on this tab. The basic setting is used for offsite or externally hosted SMTP services.


Username is the same as Email Address:  Check if the username is the same as the personal email address.


Mail Server Username:  Enter the username on the mail server for the personal email address.


Mail Server Password:  Enter the password on the mail server for the personal email address.


The Data Defaults tab handles default settings for the payor in a cash batch, A/P account in reports and routines, security settings used in save criteria, fields to export, and fields to profile, include webinars in the event picker, filter settings in Voucher Request Maintenance, as well as a default path when saving reports.


The Paid by Default group options are:


Firm Check – set the payor to the name of the firm


Personal Check – set the payor to the name of the individual


The Default A/P Account group allows you to set the default A/P account to be used in reports or routines where the account is displayed.


The Selection Criteria/Field Export Security Level group options are:


Public Read/Public Edit– set the security so anyone can read and anyone can edit the file. This security setting is found in selection criteria when a criteria is saved, in export/view when fields to export are saved, and names profile or events profile a specific event or events when fields to profile are saved.


Public Read/Private Edit – set the security so anyone can read and only the creator can edit the file. This security setting is found in selection criteria when a criteria is saved, in export/view when fields to export are saved, and names profile or events profile a specific event or events when fields to profile are saved.


Private Read/Private Edit – set the security so only the creator can read or edit the file. This security setting is found in selection criteria when a criteria is saved, in export/view when fields to export are saved, and names profile or events profile a specific event or events when fields to profile are saved.


The Select Events group allows you to set the default setting for the Include Webinars filter box on the event picker.


The A/P Voucher Request group options are:


Use Default Filter Settings – use the default filter settings in Voucher Request Maintenance when the routine is launched.


Save Filter Settings on Exit – retain the current filter settings on exiting Voucher Request Maintenance and use those the next time the routine is launched.


The Report Save as Path group shows the default path to be used when saving a report. Use the Choose Folder/Change Folder link text to add/edit the path.


The Promotions tab handles color settings and default filter settings for the Promotion Masterfile / Calendar.


The Calendar Settings group options are:


Communication Method Background Colors – Controls the background color for the display of a communication on the Promotions tab in calendar view with the associated method.


Communication Method Text Colors – Controls the text color for the display of a communication on the Promotion tab in calendar view with the associated method.


The Filters group allows you to default the Added By filter to your user name.


The Change Password tab allows the user to change their login password. Enter the new password in both

New Password and Confirm Password. The password must be at least 6 characters long.



Watch the User Preferences training video: